Avi Flamholz is a scientist, trivia enthusiast, excitable devil’s advocate and passable home cook from New York City. He lives in Los Angeles, California.
Avi Flamholz
Articles by Avi Flamholz:
An Interview with Geobiologist Woody Fischer
in Issue 69 | Carbon (Oct 2016)take a human body and bust it - equilibrium is death - the genius of oxygenic photosynthesis - the rise of oxygen - old sedimentary rocks - that this poisoning is inherent - nitrogenase - incredible - it absolutely shouldn't work
An Interview with George Fox
in Issue 59 | Taxonomy (Dec 2015)there are three major groups of organisms - the real nightmare was the eukaryotic sequences - the microbiologists were very happy - a last universal common ancestor - a lot of people want to make viruses a fourth thing - peptides stabilize the ribosome - if you start from no life and you go to life