ISSUE 69 | OCT 2016

Image by Wesley Ryan Clapp
Avi Flamholz
An Interview with Geobiologist Woody Fischer
take a human body and bust it - equilibrium is death - the genius of oxygenic photosynthesis - the rise of oxygen - old sedimentary rocks - that this poisoning is inherent - nitrogenase - incredible - it absolutely shouldn't work
Ethan Linck
Wilderness and “A Third-World Critique” in the Era of Climate Change
biocentric “deep ecology” - A Third World Critique - 400 parts per million - 1964 Wilderness Act - “pristine” landscapes - ecological theater and evolutionary play - the ecosystem service hierarchy - hyperobject - the right number of trees but have no wolves
L. Desharnais
Clearing the Air
mandatory in the state of Texas - Chupacabra! - Post-oil crisis - abortion refuge near Juárez - Styrofoam—polystyrene - Baytown, fixing pipes - Holiday in Cambodia - even skeleton
Ahmad Makia
Wet Urbanism
liquification of privation - extraterrestriality at sea - man-made islands, the Panama Papers - the Aquatic Ape Theory - the sense of malaise we are enduring - hinterland is also the metropolis - on land is a heaving chest - over water - erotic nature of the ship
Mamie Stevenson
Saving Yourself
an oath of chastity! - abstinence in the air - TO SAVE YOURSELF - as a doppelganger - we settled on having sex - pop out a few suckers - a constant source of sperm - lifted my heavy baggage - permeate our plans