ISSUE 71 | JAN 2017

Image by Leah Gallant
Lenna Pierce
Trauma in a Benevolent Monastery
said the bureaucrat to the beautiful liar - a former monastery in a tiny French village - my great uncle had two death certificates - a celtic paleolith - a reverse Eiffel Tower - we could see the fascists coming through the fields - I dutifully marked myself Facebook safe
J. Holler
Liberté and the Emergency State
a replacement for the sitting President François Hollande - surge of 20% after the Charlie Hebdo attacks - what may be considered France's more assertive version of secularism - blurred lines between internal and external security threats - a transnational solution
Thomas Gaflan
自己人: A Better America through Chinese Counterstrike
team-based tactical combat game - it always happens this way, so nobody complains - family problems; iconoclasm; simple pique - the Baltimore police who killed Freddie Gray - the option to automatically punish friendly fire - disarm as many individual police officers as possible
Alexandra Myshalov
Flying Air France
the rapid expansion of civil air transport - renewed competition among the European colonial powers - there are no major hubs inside the triangle formed by Madrid, Johannesburg, and Dubai - Air Afrique soon dropped money-losing domestic routes - complimentary champagne
Bonnie Alexander
Becoming Victim: Womanhood and Masochism
girl power! - the affective state of being-woman - novella-manifesto King-Kong Theory - to become-victim in fantasy rather than reality - it is difficult to determine whether lesbian kink helps us to subvert or reinforce that state - Deleuzian masochism