Kit Eginton is a gorgeous twentysomething, a poet and translator of Russian poetry, and an editor of the Hypocrite Reader. she/her, née Robbie
Kit Eginton
Articles by Kit Eginton:
in Issue 101 | Facing the Thing (Jul 2023)
My Own Sanity Within That Madness
in Issue 101 | Facing the Thing (Jul 2023)It's like your body is imprisoning you. Do you know the movie The Diving Bell and the Butterfly? It’s about being immobile, and just stuck there. This guy gets paralyzed from the spine downward and he can only move his eyes—it’s called “locked-in syndrome”—and he writes a whole memoir. When you’re defined by apartheid, you’re visibly what you are, and you can’t be anything other than what defines you.
The Weight of Breasts That Aren’t There
in Issue 97 | Prophecies II (Apr 2021)The demands of the trans community have advanced from medical transition, to depathologization, to the institutional recognition of the possibility of trans happiness. But the question of what dysphoria actually is—a market preference, a neuroanatomical difference, an ontological mismatch between soul and body, a structure of desire—still lacks a satisfying answer.
A New Year’s Postscript
in Issue 96 | Prophecies (Jan 2021)The first thing to remember when you find yourself taking a blackpill is that if it didn’t feel true, it wouldn’t have convinced enough people for you to encounter it.
in Issue 93 | With(out) Child (Dec 2018)Four conversations with trans people about whether they want to have children: Pakistani social services, Aleksandra Kollontai, Ursula Le Guin, non-nuclear families, hysterectomies, RyanAir, estrogen, lactation, Paris is Burning, Lee Edelman, breeders, communes, and utopia.
On Wanting Magic to be Real
in Issue 88 | Magic (Jul 2018)Seanan McGuire and Andrea Long Chu daisy duke it out in an epic battle for the soul of transness and/or young adult fantasy fiction.
A Dull, Distinct Light
in Issue 87 | Old Age (Jun 2018)The walls were the color of liver and the space was full of old humans just parked at odd angles in various conveyances – some in wheelchairs, and some on half-reclining stretchers. It was a tiny woman lying on one of those stretcher things, wrapped up in cheap blankets and oxygen tubing, who grabbed my hand and asked me where she was, which I told her. She didn’t let go.
in Issue 85 | Reboot Mini-Issue (Apr 2018)definitely not ethnography - the mandible - teal goop - locked in eternal struggle - I'm furious about it - "daemonic" for "feminizing" - I am a deep dish pizza - I haven't fracked it enough - lost weight severely, gained weight severely - tragicomedy - tiny duck - waif
Under New Management: A letter to the readership
in Issue 84 | Interregnum (Mar 2018)hypocrite reader under new management - on hiatus till May 1st - new editor writes letter to readership - big plans - gratitude - secret agendas - &c.
Articles illustrated by Kit Eginton:
in Issue 90 | Chronic (Sep 2018)

PC: Kit Eginton with Francesca Violich.