Caroline Lemak Brickman

Articles by Caroline Lemak Brickman:

ghazal: a version of “Insomnia. Homer”

in Issue 93 | With(out) Child (Dec 2018)

Eurydice to Orpheus (“not in the mood”)

in Issue 91 | Horror & Comedy (Oct 2018)

softer than a soft sign

in Issue 86 | Self-Modification (May 2018)

Magdalene (putting the body given her to use)

in Issue 53 | Noise (Jun 2015)

History of Catullus: A Translation

in Issue 45 | Vices and Devices (Oct 2014)

The Covers Record

in Issue 43 | Bar (Aug 2014)

Vigil: for Paul Celan

in Issue 34 | Bait and Switch (Nov 2013)

The Merry and Merciless Series: Versions of “You”

in Issue 31 | Strategies of Togetherness (Aug 2013)

new year: a translation

in Issue 26 | Good Sex (Mar 2013)

Reading in Good Faith

in Issue 20 | Difference (Sep 2012)