ISSUE 65 | JUN 2016
Tom Dyne

Michael Kinnucan
On Terror
property is like theft, but more successful - state violence does not acknowledge itself as a violence among others - terrorism is in the news again - (war on a feeling? a tactic?) - the emotional vocabulary of collective mourning is too risky - this secret complicity
Ray Osborn
The Swans on a Sandbar
how unbeautiful - peace on the sandbar - manage symmetry in fives - as if swelling brassy - wisdom of a rowdy love - this will not be
Mandy-Suzanne Wong
Seeks Position after Final Meal with Friend
you probably don’t get many applicants from Japan - proficient with the ambulatory limbs appropriate to theme parks - cunning protuberances with defensive capabilities - helplessness gets old - someone who’s never touched her sexual partners - I devoured it all - starfish eat starfish