ISSUE 60 | JAN 2016

Photograph by Tom Dyne
Olivia Durif
That Open Road
road trips are, at heart, inefficient - those nasty pants in the cab - dark and alcoholic winter - going up to the bartender and just ordering an Olivia Durif - dump out the cheetos and multiply the number by 2 - a service station grocery store called DAD'S - bliss of riding bitch - to make a road trip of a human
Kate Williams
Waffle House: A Strange American Dream
Everyone has their own personal Waffle House - that’s over 25,000 miles of a Bacon Belt!! - crotchety food writers and locavore chefs - both clearly intoxicated, they split a pecan waffle - the Waffle House language, while obscure, is inclusive and transparent - its deliberately hokey concept appeals to a deeply Southern nostalgia
Hannah Coolidge
North American Oilfields and How We Suck Them Dry
carbon-rich organic material—i.e., life - 42 U.S. gallons at 60° F - 5.8 million Btu - the expulsion of hydrocarbons - stratigraphic traps - flow up into the wellbore - of refined petroleum products - a light, sweet crude
Paul Hermanson
Normal Predicaments of Human Divinity: Outside(r)s and Inside(r)s in Moundville and Chicago
the demise of Chicago's most famous housing project - Stanley Tigerman, gadfly of postmodern architecture - the guts of the building - two failed marriages, several aborted careers, and hundreds of bottles of whiskey - Agee and Evans traveled to Moundville, Alabama in the summer of 1936 - a self-congratulatory, patronizing canon
Anna Aizman
How Many Empires Do You See?: Trophy Films in the Soviet Union
the industry that once produced Eisenstein and Vertov - four Tarzan films appeared on Soviet screens - dying of consumption and consumerism - were they emancipated or not? - American films, American jazz, cigarettes, and fashion - they had invented their own United States - the market crashed just months later
Mandy-Suzanne Wong
the amphitheater around Old Faithful - the volcano at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas - a futile effort that just might end in madness - managed to survive the chemicals and thermophiles - every vehicle in the vicinity plunged into the ditch - surveillance at last became intolerable - we were motionless for so long that I found myself thinking of Los Angeles
Sam Feldman
like drunk Cubs fans and Catholics - get to the bottom of it, Scooby-Doo-style - kind of like Teach for America but for sausages - Paul and I couchsurfed with a gluten-free girl in Westport - none of the teens in Taco Shop wanted to run away with us - we pulled off I-80 into Buford, Wyoming, population 1
Corey Heiferman
Justin Bieber, Martyr
Bieber would interest William James almost as much as Henry - Nous sommes tous Justin - Tisch-trained Lady Gaga - it reminded me of Wittgenstein - the video tries to show what lesbians actually do in bed - the biggest gig for Benny Blanco and Matza Ball Productions since Drake’s Bar Mitzvah - kvetching about her root canal and pushing her eponymous red wine