Wendy Lotterman
Articles by Wendy Lotterman:
The Runners
in Issue 34 | Bait and Switch (Nov 2013)gummy bears to stragglers - its ability soothe - free bagel at the party on the stoop - prophylactic like the zinc tablets - misaligned / because, God, I can’t - my kiddish ways
Secondary Characteristics
in Issue 32 | Small Wars (Sep 2013)the excess of remorse meticulously expressed - splitting the sweetness like layer cake - I have watched the canopy of the BQE - You have to stop - do whatever you want re the party - the consumptive masterpiece where I now live
small remainders
in Issue 30 | The Daddy Issue (Jul 2013)I know it felt parched inside your tiny ablutions - the reward also scratched by my unsleightofhand - we all sleep with the white noise now, too, dad - allergies sit beyond on the lawns I am taught not to touch - when a snack (cold pasta) slowly (regrettably) gains the stature of a meal - this whole time I have been trying you on