ISSUE 67 | AUG 2016

Image by Leah Gallant
Isobel Palmer
whether the lumps on the horizon are France or fog - I wake up and I'm 27 - this is what will happen to the world after that man wins - how many people in this town voted leave - to vote was to feel myself English - the establishment can hold - the drama of each indvidual crossing
Jeannie Yoon
Notes on Camp
a map of precedence - a perversity, a freedom - Deer Lake was actually a lagoon - I don't remember any instances of discussion of or engagement with Native langugages, customs or people - so many epithets for smoking weed and having sex - boot camp, fat camp, Jesus camp, band camp - the promise that there is another community - this tall, surly blond lifeguard who wore a thick gold chain and had six toes on one foot
Dennis Gravey
aluminum hulls, dynamos, light emitting diodes, carbon nano-fiber, waterproof matches, paper mills - spectral owls can crush a human skull - the call of the mountain is a call to ethics
Mamie Stevenson
I was told there would be complimentary transcendence
skiing was for girls named Heather or Casey - boys who did not witness me peeing my pants - feeling starved and martyred - my outstanding participation in Bible study - breaking a French press and scraping my ass bloody - a centerfold advertisement for a Chevy Suburban - every person's alcoholic preference is accounted for - just a bunch of white people putting their things in other people's houses
Ray Osborn
To Butterball
pasting together our tongues and thighs - when we pour you into the cast-iron pan and let you cool - first let me wear you on the outside of my yellow rain-slicker - a correlation between carefully placed panties - my Butterball, my uncooked Gingersnap, my Stomachache
Corey Heiferman
MFA Sample from a Parallel Universe
Met a priestess, took some selfies - pseudofascists spew jealous taunts - gaze ye at this humble vessel - a harmless kink - forced to Leave, he couldn’t Remain - rictus-winged endorphins firing - at first it seemed innocent duck duck - take the key and lock her up