ISSUE 66 | JUL 2016

"Untitled 1," Joseph Beuys
Natasha Plotkin
Quasi-Experimentalism in Economics
how do natural experiments work? - students who received scores just below the cutoff - evidence that attending an elite high school does not cause students to get better SAT scores - theory reigned supreme in all subfields of economics - people and firms aren't randomly irrational - the analysis is based on exploiting a legal quirk - the appearance of credibility
James Meador
1874: Two Takes
the students' faith in peasant radicalism - Nietzsche's dedication to understanding the ancient Mediterranean in its own terms - such a pursuit of inner polyphony fundamentally warps any human - a standardized 14-position Table of Ranks - the difference between liberalism and leftism - false-consciousness arguments cede an enormous amount of what was human agency - the American left's cradle and grave - making the Russian revolutionary movement perhaps one of the most impressive achievements of fan-fiction in European history
Otto Vangelis
The Experience that Smiles Back
so long as we get results - that would constitute bias and we all know bias isn't pretty - who would want to marry an idea - hot plus touching isn't pretty except in the cases where hot means pretty - slooty, immersive and lore-friendly - naive/n00b empiricism
L. Desharnais
Here it is Paris
hips loose, he almost glides - that of an ancient geometer - so reveals the unconscious logic of these signs - the guy didn’t die though - vitrines not victimes - as if it was a thought experiment and not what his passport really said - only pigeon shit and teargas. The air de Paris, quoi