ISSUE 54 | JUL 2015

Image by Fontaine Capel
Hannah Coolidge
Hydraulic Fracturing: An Interview with Alex Shea
the idea is to create fissures in the shale to release more hydrocarbons - we call it toe to heel fracking - in North Dakota I don't think I ever saw a chemical spill cleaned up - he was so delusional from sleep deprivation that he started eating a plastic water bottle - they're fudging their forms - my skin started bubbling up
Joseph Spece
the militant queer goes a-walking
O there is much to be disgusted by on the streets - searing love, solemn love that cuts the night into awful stone limbs, never marriage - grease gathers to a pool in the saucer - but then who would triumphant Moby be? - commerce, propriety, commerce, cosmetic beauty - curious, true attention
Rebekah Volinsky
After Modotti, On Modotti, Of Modotti by Weston
Tina With Tear - Tina, on the Azotea - Nude (Tina Modotti) - Excusado - Pepper - Worker’s Parade
Roger Wallace
Laconic Apothegms for Sea-Travel
unhostaged by the tongue of night - all coasts bled - "and man the stern and go!" - I tapestry my own mind - what rights can be called meat - cud can come again on its own to the mouth - descends slender and un-Chronos about questions of boyish coin - betrayer, good book, or long love - orient this burned route
Kate Williams
Still, We Swipe: Dating identities in the age of Tinder
the problem with writing about Tinder - the banana statement - he was a spearfisherman with a dalmatian and really wanted to meet up - he regularly ate SpoonRocket - specifically targeted students in the Greek system - the average user is now 27 - she can immediately filter out cat-hating assholes - MY THUMBS HURT
Ray Osborn
Milk Thistle
my own fettered tip of tuft and malaise - unboiled lust - No, I am not this plausive poised - cutting you, deluded - imagine
Dominick Lawton
Dear Hypocrite: An Advice Column
any deadline-fueled literary masterpieces worthy of Dostoevsky's Gambler - the government expects to turn a profit from defaulters - Bernie "free public education" Sanders - the government is already subsidizing higher education - the ability to make and keep simple plans - maybe she feels lonely, and is testing you