ISSUE 42 | JUL 2014

Nuevo Usme, Bogotá. Photo by Ellis Calvin
Collective Aura: Soundsystem, EDM, and the Government of Libido
« the mass is a matrix » - hypertrophic amplification of the lipsynching - government of the audience’s libido - the electromagnetic ‘pickup,’ - the secular divinity of this ‘human aura.’ - a sort of infantile parlor trick - libidinal apperception of the dancer - the power of this collective
Natasha Plotkin
Transit Infrastructure and the Temptations of Techno-Autocracy
Second Avenue Subway - high speed rail - $3 billion per mile - a scramble for extra funds - We tie the hands of our bureaucrats - low trust in government - simply lack of governance - Moses built New York - to ram highways through - NIMBYism - strong popular mandates - talent for getting things built
Corie Sanford
Your Best Body
I feel like Prince's Little Red Corvette - enter the word no, the will of « the people » - I went from moving machine to a silent, steaming machine on the side of the road - a progressive frieze of after photos - there is nothing I want that I have not been told to want
Michael Kinnucan
An Interview with Yasmin Nair, Part One: There’s No Rescuing the Concept of Equality
homosexuality, quote-unquote - because otherwise I'm just going to be on the left - something like the political economy of sexuality - what we're going to see is higher gay visibility in the corridors of power, and that's not necessarily a good thing - in other words, I have nothing but cause for concern
Kate Williams
Panic in the Kitchen: Blogging, liberty, and the fear of the dinner plate
This client was particularly hard to please - it was just what we needed in the Bush years - « Ina's » roast chicken, « Martha's » pie crust, or « Julia's » sole meuniere - the fervor has been most vociferous regarding gluten - based on mood or weather (Google « eat your feelings »)