Ethan Linck

Ethan Linck is a biologist and writer living in New Mexico, USA. In addition to The Hypocrite Reader, his essays have appeared in High Country News, The Los Angeles Review of Books, and Jacobin.

Articles by Ethan Linck:

Cataclysms to Desolate the World

in Issue 96 | Prophecies (Jan 2021)

Wilderness and “A Third-World Critique” in the Era of Climate Change

in Issue 69 | Carbon (Oct 2016)

Birds, Whiskey, and the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis: Ernst Mayr in the Solomon Islands

in Issue 59 | Taxonomy (Dec 2015)

Black Coffee

in Issue 47 | Nocturne (Dec 2014)

El Oso Plateado

in Issue 39 | Animals (Apr 2014)

The Enduring Appeal of Counting Birds

in Issue 33 | No Number in Nature (Oct 2013)

On Singing

in Issue 31 | Strategies of Togetherness (Aug 2013)