ISSUE 58 | NOV 2015

Still from Laurel and Hardy, "Thicker Than Water," 1935
Nathan Eisenberg
Abstracting Art
bull market - BitchCoin - pushing these artists like IPOs - Peau de L’Ours - the market in dialectical tension - new regression technique - extraterritorial jurisdiction - wealth funds, agent advisory, private views - the blueprint for a “spatial fix”
Zack Friedman
Power and Democracy in Urban Planning
giving powerful banks especially attractive bond offerings - Faustian bargains and the Mephistophelean scent of sulphur - the domineering La Guardia, the hapless Vincent Impellitteri, and naïve John Lindsay - after all, who could be against parks?
L. Desharnais
Haunted, “Thick and Dumb” Libidos
if you cure one neurosis, what's to say another won't arise? - the liquid, seething silver-screen speech of the 1930s white housewife - a Baroque folding in lieu of dialectics - the doctor suggests a blood transfusion between the two of them
Isaiah Champion
Runs, Repos and Liquidity in the Crisis
too large, too leveraged and too illiquid - another drug we r on - “capital is expensive” - capital controls - National Bank Act of 1963 - Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994 - FDIC OCC SEC TBTF - Liquidity Coverage Ratio and Net Stable Funding - “tough on Wall Street”
Roger Wallace
Canto XXX of Purgatorio: Beatrice Enters the Terrestrial Paradise
seven never-setting oxen of highest heaven halted - Virgil let my speech hang stupid - else you have no tears for the next wound - I melted at mercy - a boy with brow shaded by straying - tears run river of proper trial