ISSUE 56 | SEP 2015
Antonia Stringer

Image by Antonia Stringer
Talia Raft
The Mercy of his Grip
did you put your hearing aid in - my mother "walks" around the house like a debilitated Tarzan - if there's a devil, he's cleverer than God - he pulls off his belt and starts rattling the buckle - "it's humor, she knows that" - his dreams, then, sustain him
James Meador
Observe This Service
without compunction - word all you youngsters - wrap up a tin can - yell out the order - yet partly vanished - you lied upon it
Nicole Herr
A Poem
blue and red - the talented - the passionate - my ass - my tail - gallop
Molly Moses
Three Poems
sky opens - ten minutes twenty - a cow - the grass - a woman - the phone - drinking, sleeps
Antonia Stringer